Ide Mills Photo courtesy of Ide Mills
Take notes when you meet with your doctor. Bring someone with you. Use a digital audio recorder. You ve probably heard these suggestions before about how to prepare for a medical appointment. But another piece of advice can be just as valuable: Know how you learn best.
In other words, do you learn new information by seeing it, hearing it or experiencing it? The answer to that question is important, because you can ask your health care team to provide information about your diagnosis, treatment and care in ways that are most helpful to you.
If you re not sure of your preferred learning style, read “Identify Your Learning Style” below and then consider some of the following tips the next time you meet with your medical team.
Learn what kind of learner you are by analyzing your buying habits.
by Ide Mills
Be sure to ask for:
- drawings, such as an illustration showing the location of the cancer in your body, how blood cells work or where a port will be placed. Some doctors’ offices have models and images to help explain medical concepts, or your health care provider can draw a picture during the meeting.
- written materials, such as a list of key points, directions, next steps and booklets or patient-friendly websites with more detailed information about your condition.
Be sure to ask for:
- videos, such as short films about the steps involved in receiving an at-home shot, an explanation of how a medicine works in the body, and interviews with other patients who have had similar therapy;
- another health care provider to explain the same information; and
- verbal directions that you can repeat back.
Be sure to ask for:
- the opportunity to see and feel samples of medical equipment, such as a catheter or syringe, and a demonstration of where they are placed or how a shot is given;
- an analogy or an example of an everyday experience that explains a complicated idea; and
- a support group for you to talk with others about their experiences.
As you navigate the vast amount of information related to your cancer, you may find it’s helpful to request resources from your doctor or nurse that are related to more than one learning style. Additionally, your partner or other caregivers may benefit from knowing their own learning styles as they interact with your medical team.
Last, keep in mind that learning new information takes time. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, and speak up if you don’t understand!
Cancer Today magazine is free to cancer patients, survivors and caregivers who live in the U.S. Subscribe here to receive four issues per year.