Forward Look
States of NeglectCash intended for tobacco programs goes up in smoke.
by Jocelyn Selim
Forward Look
A Global Campaign for Cancer Education“Cancer—Did you know?” That’s the question the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), based in Geneva, posed across the globe on World Cancer Day on Feb. 4. Image courtesy of the Union for International Cancer Control Established in 2006 by the UICC, the annual event draws attention to a stark fact: Cancer is a leading cause […]
by Yvonne Lee
Forward Look
Keeping Counterfeit Cancer Drugs Off Pharmacy ShelvesA system called “track and trace” may be the answer.
by Yvonne Lee
Forward Look
India Overrides Patent on Cancer DrugWill it face a backlash for its response to Nexavar's high price?
by Corinna Wu
Forward Look
The Dense Breast DebateSome states are mandating that doctors tell patients about breast density, which can affect cancer risk.
by Mitzi Baker
Forward Look
The Value of Bone MarrowA court rules in favor of compensating some stem cell donors.
by Karen Patterson
First Person
Circle of SupportDespite the foreign terrain, family, friends and faith help a cancer patient find familiarity and comfort.
by Cynthia Ryan
Get Involved
One Survivor Making a DifferenceA prostate cancer survivor becomes an advocate for cancer patients.
by Yvonne Lee