Taking Action


  • Forward Look

    New Report Finds Crisis in Cancer Care

    Institute of Medicine calls for major improvements.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Editor's Letter

    A 50-Year Milestone

    Efforts to curb smoking have come a long way, but more work needs to be done.

    by Kevin McLaughlin

  • Forward Look

    Bane or Boon for Smokers’ Health?

    FDA weighs regulations for burgeoning e-cigarette market.

    by Sharon Reynolds

  • Health Care Reform: What Does It Mean for You?

    The complex and controversial Affordable Care Act includes reforms that could benefit cancer patients and survivors.

    by Bara Vaida

  • Forward Look

    Truth in Advertising

    Several countries explore legality of requiring cigarettes to carry graphic pictures and health warnings.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Forward Look

    Coming Up Short

    A limited supply of cancer medications is affecting care.

    by Steve McIver

  • Editor's Letter

    Cancer Research: Worth Paying For

    Kevin McLaughlin discusses how one survivor's faith in science underscores the importance of continued funding for cancer research.

    by Kevin McLaughlin

  • Editor's Letter

    Making Plans

    A cancer diagnosis can quickly change your “other plans.”

    by Kevin McLaughlin

  • Forward Look

    Paying a Steep Price

    New laws are pushing health insurers to make oral cancer drugs affordable.

    by Betty Russell

  • Forward Look

    Rally for Medical Research

    “More progress, more hope, more life.” Photo © AACR / Vera LaMarche 2013 That was the rallying cry of the thousands of researchers, patient advocates and cancer survivors who attended the Rally for Medical Research, held April 8 in Washington, D.C. Their goal was to draw attention to the devastating impact that across-the-board federal spending […]

    by Marci A. Landsmann