Survivor Profile
Closing the Cancer Care GapHealth economist and breast cancer survivor Felicia Knaul's mission, which first started as a grassroots effort to increase breast cancer screening in Mexico, has expanded to address cancer care inequities around the world.
by Alexandra Goho
A Community Effort
Local programs within Native American communities are at the forefront of an effort to increase cancer screening and reduce cancer deaths.
by Sue Rochman
Changing BehaviorJohn P. Pierce highlights the role of public health campaigns in cutting cancer risk.
by Susan FitzGerald
Forward Look
A Global Perspective on CancerQ&A with Christopher P. Wild on World Cancer Report 2014.
by Sue Rochman
Forward Look
Efforts Underway to Raise the Legal Age to Buy TobaccoLocal laws strive to reduce the number of new smokers.
by Melissa Weber
Forward Look
FDA Proposes Action on E-CigarettesResearch into the safety of the new device continues.
by Sue Rochman
Editor's Letter
The Promise of ImmunotherapyImmunotherapy is a breakthrough in cancer treatment, but more research is needed to broaden its impact.
by Kevin McLaughlin
Forward Look
Affordable Care Act to Cover Breast Cancer Risk Reduction DrugsMedications are an option for high-risk women, but few use them.
by Sue Rochman
Forward Look
Push Needed to Increase HPV Vaccination RatesPresident's Cancer Panel stresses reducing 'missed opportunities.'
by Sue Rochman
Forward Look
Moving Closer to a Menthol Ban?FDA weighs whether to prohibit sales of mentholated tobacco products.
by Sharon Reynolds