  • Q&A

    The FDA’s Risk-Benefit Framework

    Using the withdrawal of Avastin’s approval for breast cancer as a case study, Mikkael A. Sekeres’ new book analyzes the U.S. drug approval process.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Get Involved

    Healing Takes Flight

    Alicia and Esther Tambe honor their sister’s memory by providing travel experiences to Black women diagnosed with breast cancer.

    by Thomas Celona

  • A ‘Revolution’ in Cancer Research

    AACR patient advocate forum explores how new clinical trial designs are accelerating drug testing.

    by Thomas Celona

  • Making Informed Consent Accessible

    Confusing informed consent forms are a common barrier to clinical trial participation. Researchers ask how they can be better designed for patients.

    by Sandra Gordon

  • Patient and Doctor Partnerships

    As more cancer patients take an interest in the science of their care, it’s vital to establish good relationships with doctors.

    by Karon Warren

  • Exploring a New Frontier

    AACR patient advocate forum addresses developments in cancer early detection tests.

    by Thomas Celona

  • Get Involved

    The Power of Play

    Pediatric cancer survivor Eric Newman launched the Roc Solid Foundation, which builds playsets for children who have cancer.

    by Thomas Celona

  • Policy Matters

    A Call to Eliminate Inequities

    The AACR Cancer Disparities Progress Report highlights the progress being made toward cancer health equity and stresses the need to address this complex public health issue.

    by Lisa A. Newman, MD, MPH

  • Cultural Competence in the Community

    Researchers describe their efforts to understand and improve cancer screening and treatment among underserved populations.

    by Kevin McLaughlin

  • Working Toward the End of Cancer Health Disparities

    AACR conference explores the science of cancer disparities and what needs to be done to improve cancer outcomes for all people.

    by Eric Fitzsimmons