  • Survivor Profile

    Standing Strong

    Drawing on strength from her ancestors and lessons from the 1960s, cancer survivor Vernal Branch works to make a difference for the next generation.

    by Regina Nuzzo

  • Get Involved

    Providing More Than a Meal

    After her son finished cancer treatment, Angela Farley started an organization to deliver meals to people facing serious illness.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Forward Look

    States of Neglect

    Cash intended for tobacco programs goes up in smoke.

    by Jocelyn Selim

  • Forward Look

    Orphan Drugs Still Find a Home

    Thirty years on, landmark federal legislation continues to benefit patients with rare cancers.

    by Emily Gertz

  • Forward Look

    A Global Campaign for Cancer Education

    “Cancer—Did you know?” That’s the question the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), based in Geneva, posed across the globe on World Cancer Day on Feb. 4. Image courtesy of the Union for International Cancer Control Established in 2006 by the UICC, the annual event draws attention to a stark fact: Cancer is a leading cause […]

    by Yvonne Lee

  • Get Involved

    Show the World a Cancer Survivor

    Cancer survivor packs up bags and helps facilitate international volunteer opportunities.

    by Yvonne Lee

  • Q&A

    Gaining the Benefits of Early Detection

    As first lady of Moldova, Margareta Timofti aims to increase cancer awareness and survival in one of Europe's poorest nations.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Get Involved

    Research Studies Need You

    Breast cancer survivor AnneMarie Ciccarella discovered an interest in scientific research.

    by Yvonne Lee

  • Forward Look

    Keeping Counterfeit Cancer Drugs Off Pharmacy Shelves

    A system called “track and trace” may be the answer.

    by Yvonne Lee

  • Forward Look

    A Nickel for Prevention

    Smoking rates in California have declined.

    by Sue Rochman