  • Editor's Letter

    Cancer Research: Worth Paying For

    Kevin McLaughlin discusses how one survivor's faith in science underscores the importance of continued funding for cancer research.

    by Kevin McLaughlin

  • Forward Look

    Truth in Advertising

    Several countries explore legality of requiring cigarettes to carry graphic pictures and health warnings.

    by Sue Rochman

  • More Than a Signature

    The informed consent process is designed to ensure that patients understand risks. But new advances involved in genetic testing and tissue donation may make signing on the dotted line more complex than ever.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Forward Look

    Coming Up Short

    A limited supply of cancer medications is affecting care.

    by Steve McIver

  • Survivor Profile

    Betting on Science

    Diagnosed with a rare and incurable blood cancer, Jack Whelan is a passionate booster for research, clinical trials and affordable treatments.

    by Betty Russell

  • Get Involved

    Sending Get Well Wishes

    Joan A. Smith organizes volunteers' efforts to send cards to cancer patients.

    by Maria Wolf

  • Editor's Letter

    Making Plans

    A cancer diagnosis can quickly change your “other plans.”

    by Kevin McLaughlin

  • Forward Look

    When the Cancer Doctor Gets Cancer

    Q & A with breast surgeon Susan Love on her new role: cancer survivor.

    by Betty Russell

  • Forward Look

    Paying a Steep Price

    New laws are pushing health insurers to make oral cancer drugs affordable.

    by Betty Russell

  • Forward Look

    This Way to the Quit Line

    Doctors and researchers are encouraged to talk to patients about tobacco use.

    by Sue Rochman