Taking Action


  • Reinforcements for Cancer Research

    Scientific meeting emphasizes the importance of patient advocates in helping researchers to reduce cancer health disparities.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • An Uncommon Partnership

    Through the Angiosarcoma Project, researchers are partnering with patients to learn about a rare cancer.

    by Ashley P. Taylor

  • Policy Matters

    A Growing Commitment to Cancer Survivors

    The number of cancer survivors is growing. We must step up efforts to meet their needs.

    by Elizabeth M. Jaffee, MD

  • Survivor Profile

    The Power of Patients

    Janet Freeman-Daily helps put patients at the center of lung cancer research.

    by Robin Meadows

  • Raising Their Voices

    People with metastatic breast cancer are demanding to be seen, counted and included in breast cancer research.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Being Candid About Cancer

    As a father with an aggressive brain cancer, I've opted against elaborate metaphors and in favor of candid speech when talking about cancer with my children.

    by Adam Hayden

  • Q&A

    Honoring Life in Death

    Physician Lucy Kalanithi, widow of the author of When Breath Becomes Air, talks about aligning patients' values with their end-of-life decisions.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Advocacy Spotlight: Sorting Out Priorities

    Ovarian cancer survivor and research advocate Annie Ellis is teaming up with researchers to better equip patients with recurrent cancer to make treatment decisions.

    by Cici Zhang

  • Healing Through Art

    The Breast Cancer Art Project encourages breast cancer patients and survivors to produce—and share—art about their cancer experiences.

    by Ashley P. Taylor

  • Brain Cancer Patients Make Connections

    An app developed for glioblastoma patients allows them to track their symptoms and contribute to research.

    by Brad Jones