Survivor Profile
In Support and ServiceRetired Army colonel and prostate cancer survivor Jim Williams asks men to pay better attention to their health.
by Lauren Gravitz
Survivor Profile
Living in the Here and NowA metastatic melanoma survivor is hopeful but realistic as new treatments become available.
by Jenny Song
Survivor Profile
Stop the SilenceCancer survivor Cherry Sloan-Medrano works to encourage a conversation about cancer among Asians in the U.S.
by Jenny Song
Yesterday & Today
Taking Her PlaceGeraldine Ferraro, the first woman nominated for vice president on a major-party ticket, used her political prowess to advocate for women's equality. In 1998, she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma.
by Sharlene George
Conversation StarterCancer survivor Emily McDowell creates greeting cards that give people the words to talk about a difficult disease.
by Stephen Ornes
Editor's Letter
Scientists and SurvivorsExecutive Editor Kevin McLaughlin highlights stories from the Summer 2015 issue of 'Cancer Today.'
by Kevin McLaughlin
The Cost of Cancer
Expensive treatments can leave patients with a mountain of debt. Resources are available to help.
by Bara Vaida
Forward Look
Shining a Spotlight on Metastatic Breast CancerQ&A with Musa Mayer, breast cancer survivor and founding member of the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance.
by Yasmine Iqbal
Forward Look
Does Testicular Cancer Screening Save Lives?Doctors recommend self-exam, even though guidelines discourage it.
by Roxanne Nelson
Survivor Profile
An Unplanned EventAfter a stage III cancer diagnosis, event planner Kim Hall Jackson gave up the illusion of control and started using her talents to promote screening among African-Americans.
by Leigh Labrie