AACR Scientist↔Survivor Program: The Patient Perspective
In a sea of p-values and distribution curves, patient advocates and survivors at a scientific gathering remind researchers who is behind the numbers.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Patient Advocates Go to Washington
Patient advocates meet amid an outcry about research funding cuts, participate in a meeting with FDA officials and visit Capitol Hill.
by Marci A. Landsmann
The Affordable Care Act and Cancer Patients
Cancer survivors tell their stories and researchers take a broad view.
by Kevin McLaughlin
Survivor Profile
Putting Her Armor OnAn acute myeloid leukemia survivor and former TV news reporter finds a new reason to help others improve their health.
by Jennifer Walker
Rolling Up Her SleevesPrincess Dina Mired of Jordan will be the first Arab president of the Union for International Cancer Control.
by Sue Rochman
Forward Look
World Cancer Day: Accelerating ProgressImage courtesy of the Union for International Cancer Control February 4 is World Cancer Day, an international effort to increase cancer awareness and education to reduce preventable cancer deaths. World Cancer Day 2017 marks the midpoint of a three-year campaign, “We Can. I Can.” The overarching goal has been to encourage everyone, everywhere—from government health organizations […]
by Sue Rochman
Survivor Profile
Going Full BoreSusan Leighton, a 19-year survivor, is a powerful advocate for ovarian cancer research. Her advocacy, which began locally in northern Alabama, has reached the National Cancer Institute and the Department of Defense.
by Sue Rochman
Survivor Profile
Reasons to DreamDespite a metastatic lung cancer diagnosis, Emily Bennett Taylor was able to look beyond the illness in 2012 to her dream of raising a family. Today, with no evidence of disease, she is the mother of two baby girls.
by Marci A. Landsmann
A Rare DriveChordoma survivor Josh Sommer brings together researchers and patients to develop better treatments for an uncommon cancer.
by Kate Yandell
Forward Look
Cancer Centers Unite to Increase HPV Vaccination RatesJoint statement recommends girls and boys be vaccinated before age 13.
by Cameron Walker