Taking Action


  • AACR Scientist↔Survivor Program: The Patient Perspective

    In a sea of p-values and distribution curves, patient advocates and survivors at a scientific gathering remind researchers who is behind the numbers.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Patient Advocates Go to Washington

    Patient advocates meet amid an outcry about research funding cuts, participate in a meeting with FDA officials and visit Capitol Hill.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • The Affordable Care Act and Cancer Patients

    Cancer survivors tell their stories and researchers take a broad view.

    by Kevin McLaughlin

  • Survivor Profile

    Putting Her Armor On

    An acute myeloid leukemia survivor and former TV news reporter finds a new reason to help others improve their health.

    by Jennifer Walker

  • Q&A

    Rolling Up Her Sleeves

    Princess Dina Mired of Jordan will be the first Arab president of the Union for International Cancer Control.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Forward Look

    World Cancer Day: Accelerating Progress

    Image courtesy of the Union for International Cancer Control February 4 is World Cancer Day, an international effort to increase cancer awareness and education to reduce preventable cancer deaths. World Cancer Day 2017 marks the midpoint of a three-year campaign, “We Can. I Can.” The overarching goal has been to encourage everyone, everywhere—from government health organizations […]

    by Sue Rochman

  • Survivor Profile

    Going Full Bore

    Susan Leighton, a 19-year survivor, is a powerful advocate for ovarian cancer research. Her advocacy, which began locally in northern Alabama, has reached the National Cancer Institute and the Department of Defense.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Survivor Profile

    Reasons to Dream

    Despite a metastatic lung cancer diagnosis, Emily Bennett Taylor was able to look beyond the illness in 2012 to her dream of raising a family. Today, with no evidence of disease, she is the mother of two baby girls.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Q&A

    A Rare Drive

    Chordoma survivor Josh Sommer brings together researchers and patients to develop better treatments for an uncommon cancer.

    by Kate Yandell

  • Forward Look

    Cancer Centers Unite to Increase HPV Vaccination Rates

    Joint statement recommends girls and boys be vaccinated before age 13.

    by Cameron Walker