Your Cancer Guide
Make the Most of Your AppointmentsTake time to prepare for and manage your doctor visits.
by Hester Hill Schnipper
T Cells Key to COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts
Experts discuss shortcomings of current COVID-19 vaccines in people with cancer while highlighting possibilities of T-cell activation.
by Thomas Celona
How COVID-19 Changed Cancer Care
A new report from the American Association for Cancer Research explores how the COVID-19 pandemic affected cancer patients, researchers and care providers.
by Eric Fitzsimmons
Acknowledging the Stress of Cancer
A patient advocate session at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium offered practical tips for dealing with cancer.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Your Cancer Guide
The Promise of New Year’s ResolutionsDon't let the uncertainties of the pandemic and cancer dampen the tradition of reaching for something better.
by Hester Hill Schnipper
Healthy Habits
The Skin You’re InCancer treatment can be tough on the skin, but most side effects are manageable.
by Tara Santora
Get Involved
Doing Yoga in RecoveryA volunteer program brings yoga to cancer patients in the hospital.
by Bradley Jones
The Certainty of UncertaintyAfter a stage IV cancer diagnosis, Kate Bowler publishes a second memoir that explores the precarious nature of her own mortality.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Telling Your Children About Your Advanced Cancer Diagnosis
Providing age-appropriate information can help children process your diagnosis and ask questions.
by Lorna Collier
Cooking Demos for Cancer Survivors
Culinary medicine translates the science of nutrition into the art of cooking.
by Jen Tota McGivney