Facing the CriticsRoger Ebert finds peace with his appearance following disfiguring cancer surgery.
by Ronni Gordon
Parenting With Cancer: Out in the Open
Parents with cancer face special challenges. New points of connection can help you be there for your kids.
by Jen A. Miller
Healthy Habits
Making Quitting StickRecent research raises new questions about the use of nicotine replacement.
by Alanna Kennedy-Gorman
Healing With LaughterBrenda Elsagher finds that comedy can comfort after a cancer diagnosis.
by Ronni Gordon
Forward Look
Therapy Unexpectedly Leads to Mental HazeResearchers surprised that radiation may cause “chemobrain.”
by Melissa Weber
Your Cancer Guide
Giving Kids With Cancer What They NeedSupport should include love, normalcy and age-appropriate information.
by Hester Hill Schnipper
First Person
Circle of SupportDespite the foreign terrain, family, friends and faith help a cancer patient find familiarity and comfort.
by Cynthia Ryan
Forward Look
Music Is Good MedicineResearch review suggests that simply listening can ease patients' symptoms.
by Jocelyn Selim
Forward Look
Getting PersonalHealth care experts push for care that focuses on the patient.
by Alanna Kennedy-Gorman
Your Cancer Guide
Clicking With Your Health Care TeamNine simple strategies can help you clear communication hurdles.
by Hester Hill Schnipper