Support for You


  • Healthy Habits

    Minding the Moment

    Mindfulness meditation may help ease survivor anxiety and fear.

    by Maureen Salera

  • Forward Look

    Striking a Nerve

    Doctors are trying to find new ways to treat the painful tingling and numbness caused by cancer treatments.

    by Cameron Walker

  • Your Cancer Guide

    Have Cancer, Will Travel

    With planning, most patients and survivors can experience the rejuvenation that comes with getting away.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • Beyond Survival

    As cancer survivor numbers grow and longevity increases, researchers study how to ease symptoms and side effects.

    by Melissa Weber

  • Forward Look

    Getting Back on Track

    Efforts are under way to increase access to high-quality cancer rehabilitation programs.

    by Leah Lawrence

  • Your Cancer Guide

    Friendships Lost and Found

    Some cherished bonds break in the face of a cancer diagnosis, while other relationships can become wellsprings of comfort and support.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • Reimagine Your Body

    Help is available for cancer patients worried about how they look during and after treatment.

    by Melissa Weber

  • What’s So Funny?

    When cancer's challenges mount, letting loose with the laughter can help cushion the pain.

    by Michelle Johnston-Fleece

  • Your Cancer Guide

    Help! I’m Losing It

    A little knowledge about hair loss can go a long way.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • Healthy Habits

    Walk the Walk

    Exercise can reduce cancer-related pain, studies find.

    by Alanna Kennedy-Gorman