Practical Pointers
Do You Have Questions for Your Health Care Team?Make the most of email, text messages, Twitter and patient portals.
by Ide Mills
Healthy Habits
Less StressCognitive-behavioral stress management may help women with breast cancer.
by Brenda Conaway
Forward Look
The Oncology Nurse Will See You NowNurses have time and expertise.
by Heather Stringer
Your Cancer Guide
Dare to PlanLive for today, but plan for tomorrow and beyond.
by Hester Hill Schnipper
Honor Your Body
Coming to terms with feelings and emotions about weight gain and weight loss is often part of a cancer patient's experience.
by Sue Rochman
Healing WordsAuthor Judith Kelman describes how cancer patients benefit from writing about their personal stories.
by Betty Russell
Forward Look
Childhood Cancer Survivors at Risk for Hormone DeficienciesNew study highlights importance of survivorship care.
by Sharon Reynolds
Your Cancer Guide
Use the Internet WiselyLearn how to evaluate information on websites.
by Hester Hill Schnipper
First Person
To Test or Not to TestTwenty-two years after the first of two breast cancer diagnoses, a survivor decides to undergo genetic testing.
by Cynthia Ryan