Support for You


  • Brain Cancer Patients Make Connections

    An app developed for glioblastoma patients allows them to track their symptoms and contribute to research.

    by Brad Jones

  • Supporting Survivors

    Panel of experts discuss survivorship challenges and potential areas for study.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Making Decisions About Breast Surgery

    Patients who opt for breast reconstruction after mastectomy tend to overestimate how happy they will be with the results, while those who do not get reconstruction tend to underestimate their future satisfaction.

    by Cici Zhang

  • Your Cancer Guide

    Ways to Manage Great Expectations

    Learn to look forward to life events without letting them add to your stress.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • Forward Look

    Beyond Distress

    Q&A with Fremonta Meyer on PTSD among cancer survivors.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Forward Look

    An Opportunity to Quit

    New program funds cancer centers to help patients stop using tobacco.

    by Kate Yandell

  • Q&A

    Keeping Options Open

    Research scientist Teresa Woodruff is determined to make fertility preservation accessible to more young adults and children with cancer.

    by Delia O'Hara

  • Healthy Habits

    Fitness Boost

    Patients living with advanced cancer may find that exercise helps them build strength and maintain independence.

    by Jane C. Hu

  • Gaps in End-of-Life Care

    Racial and ethnic backgrounds can be factors in whether cancer patients take advantage of hospice care. Researchers and clinicians are trying to understand the gaps and design strategies to bridge them.

    by Charlotte Huff

  • Chemotherapy Essentials

    Stock your bag with these useful items before your next infusion session.

    by Jamie L. Schwachter