Exploring When Breath Becomes Air
Join our Facebook group to talk about themes in the poignant memoir by Paul Kalanithi.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Suicide Risk in Cancer Survivors
Study looks at gender difference in suicide rates among those who have been diagnosed with cancer.
by Cici Zhang
Healthy Habits
Body Image and Breast CancerConcerns about physical appearance can be a major obstacle during cancer recovery.
by Cameron Walker
Your Cancer Guide
Love Your New BodyLearning to accept the physical changes that come after cancer treatment takes time and effort.
by Hester Hill Schnipper
Honoring Life in DeathPhysician Lucy Kalanithi, widow of the author of When Breath Becomes Air, talks about aligning patients' values with their end-of-life decisions.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Forward Look
Cooling Cancer’s Side EffectsCooling caps may help some patients avoid hair loss and neuropathy.
by Delia O’Hara
Survivors Cast Adrift
Asking oncologists to provide survivorship care plans to help patients navigate future medical needs seemed like a slam dunk. More than a decade after an Institute of Medicine report recommended the plans, many cancer patients still don't have them.
by Sue Rochman
Forward Look
Some Young Survivors Have Higher Heart Disease RiskRisk is especially increased in survivors who are African-American, lack health insurance or have public insurance, or live in neighborhoods with low socioeconomic status.
by Dara Chadwick
Forward Look
New Program Helps Families Navigate Pediatric CancerPatient navigators break down barriers to care and support services.
by Christina Bennett
Canine Comfort
Studies investigate whether visits from therapy dogs can increase the well-being of cancer patients and caregivers.
by Jen Tota McGivney