Support for You


  • Your Cancer Guide

    Find the Helpers

    Building a village of support to nurture recovery is an important component of your care.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Recognizing Addiction

    The stress associated with caregiving may open the door to substance abuse.

    by Diane Cameron

  • Keeping an Eye on Cancer

    Imaging tests for post-treatment surveillance may come with radiation exposure, financial strain, “scanxiety” and sometimes unnecessary follow-ups. Doctors and patients need to balance the risks and benefits of scanning.

    by Charlotte Huff

  • The Patient Perspective

    Patient-reported outcomes may help shape the future of cancer care.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Healthy Habits

    Fiber’s Benefits

    Eating more roughage may yield benefits following a colorectal cancer diagnosis.

    by Lindsey Konkel

  • Get Involved

    Happy Campers

    Children affected by a parent's cancer get a unique summer camp experience at Camp Kesem.

    by Hanna Greeman

  • Considering the Term “Cancer Survivor”

    A study investigates how people who have been diagnosed with cancer feel about being called survivors.

    by Jen Tota McGivney

  • Shingles Risk Increased for Cancer Patients

    A new vaccine is safe for cancer patients but hard to find.

    by Nancy Averett

  • Combining Treatment With Hospice Services

    Organizations are testing new models of end-of-life care that allow patients to start hospice without stopping treatment.

    by Cheryl Platzman Weinstock

  • Healthy Habits

    Make Your Move

    Exercising during or after treatment can improve your health and outlook.

    by Brenda Conaway