Support for You


  • Forward Look

    Minimizing Chemotherapy-Related Nausea and Vomiting

    Effective treatments are available for nausea during chemotherapy, but they aren't always used.

    by Lindsey Konkel

  • Getting Serious About Depression

    Cancer survivors have higher rates of depression than the general population, but many don't know help is available.

    by Cameron Walker

  • Healthy Habits

    Health Nuts

    Eating tree nuts may decrease cancer risk, especially for cancers of the digestive system.

    by Tara Santora

  • Forward Look

    Watch Your Mouth

    Dental screening before treatment could stave off dental emergencies.

    by Nancy Averett

  • Forward Look

    Support Services Help Improve Patient Outcomes

    Study suggests far-reaching benefits of mental health treatment.

    by Sharon Tregaskis

  • Your Cancer Guide

    New Rules of Engagement

    As the pandemic continues, cancer patients and survivors must weight fears of possible infection with their need to live fully.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • Q&A

    Ethics in Practice

    Rebecca Dresser explores the history and burdens of clinical trials through the lens of a cancer survivor and medical ethicist.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Physicians Underestimate Severity of Radiation Side Effects

    Breast cancer patients' symptoms after radiation therapy may go underrecognized, especially if these patients are Black or younger in age.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Drug Dependence After Breast Surgery

    A study indicates that some breast cancer patients who receive mastectomy and reconstruction may be at risk of persistent drug use following surgery.

    by Marcus A. Banks

  • Drafting a Medical Team

    Going through cancer treatment and ensuing complications is never easy, but surrounding yourself with the right key players can help, writes pancreatic cancer survivor Rob Weker.

    by Rob Weker