  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Relative Distance

    Caregiving from afar? Consider these strategies to help support your loved one, and yourself.

    by Amy Cunningham

  • Sound Advice

    Summer 2012

    vol 02 | issue 02
    Talking about end of life care, learning about the long-term affects of treatment in pediatric cancer, and finding reliable information online.

  • Healthy Habits

    Making Quitting Stick

    Recent research raises new questions about the use of nicotine replacement.

    by Alanna Kennedy-Gorman

  • Q&A

    Healing With Laughter

    Brenda Elsagher finds that comedy can comfort after a cancer diagnosis.

    by Ronni Gordon

  • Sound Advice

    Spring 2012

    vol 02 | issue 01
    On workplace issues, post-treatment feelings of doctor abandonment, and financial and health care paperwork.

  • Forward Look

    Therapy Unexpectedly Leads to Mental Haze

    Researchers surprised that radiation may cause “chemobrain.”

    by Melissa Weber

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Lessons Learned

    Like many caregivers, I had little guidance on how to ease my loved one's suffering and improve our quality of life. Here are five things I know now that I wish I knew then.

    by Michelle Johnston-Fleece

  • Your Cancer Guide

    Giving Kids With Cancer What They Need

    Support should include love, normalcy and age-appropriate information.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • First Person

    Circle of Support

    Despite the foreign terrain, family, friends and faith help a cancer patient find familiarity and comfort.

    by Cynthia Ryan

  • Parenting With Cancer: Out in the Open

    Parents with cancer face special challenges. New points of connection can help you be there for your kids.

    by Jen A. Miller