  • Forward Look

    Determining Value

    New tools offer a cost-benefit analysis of cancer treatments.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Forward Look

    Weighty Matters

    Proper nutrition plays a role in pediatric cancer care.

    by Melinda Mahaffey Icden

  • Your Cancer Guide

    Contemplating CAM

    Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) can supplement, but not replace, established cancer treatments.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • Practical Pointers

    Do You Have Questions for Your Health Care Team?

    Make the most of email, text messages, Twitter and patient portals.

    by Ide Mills

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    When Roles Change

    Follow these tips for keeping your sense of self despite a shift in responsibilities.

    by Carly O'Brien

  • Easing the Pain

    Pain is no gain for patients during or after cancer treatment.

    by Sue Rochman

  • The High-Deductible Gamble

    High-deductible health insurance plans can leave cancer patients scrambling to pay the bills for tests and treatments.

    by Charlotte Huff

  • Healthy Habits

    Less Stress

    Cognitive-behavioral stress management may help women with breast cancer.

    by Brenda Conaway

  • Q&A

    Easing Into Activity

    Cancer exercise specialist and survivor Julie Goodale offers tips for staying active during and after treatment.

    by Ronni Gordon

  • Sound Advice

    Spring 2016

    vol 06 | issue 01
    When a family member wants to stop treatment, addressing post-treatment anxiety and sadness, and considering a clinical trial.