  • Forward Look

    Cancer Patients Can Now Defer Student Loans

    Payments can be put off during treatment and for six months after.

    by Bradley Jones

  • Your Cancer Guide

    Find the Helpers

    Building a village of support to nurture recovery is an important component of your care.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Recognizing Addiction

    The stress associated with caregiving may open the door to substance abuse.

    by Diane Cameron

  • Keeping an Eye on Cancer

    Imaging tests for post-treatment surveillance may come with radiation exposure, financial strain, “scanxiety” and sometimes unnecessary follow-ups. Doctors and patients need to balance the risks and benefits of scanning.

    by Charlotte Huff

  • Survivor Profile

    A Lesson in Service

    Rabbi Ben David was comfortable in his role of helping those in need, but he had to rely on others after his lymphoma diagnosis. The marathon runner has returned to an active life one step at a time.

    by Lindsey Konkel

  • The Patient Perspective

    Patient-reported outcomes may help shape the future of cancer care.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Healthy Habits

    Fiber’s Benefits

    Eating more roughage may yield benefits following a colorectal cancer diagnosis.

    by Lindsey Konkel

  • Sound Advice

    Spring 2019

    vol 09 | issue 01
    Experts offer advice on celebrating a “cancerversary,” responding to questions from friends and family, and supporting a friend when they stop treatment.

  • Get Involved

    Happy Campers

    Children affected by a parent's cancer get a unique summer camp experience at Camp Kesem.

    by Hanna Greeman

  • Considering the Term “Cancer Survivor”

    A study investigates how people who have been diagnosed with cancer feel about being called survivors.

    by Jen Tota McGivney