Support for You


  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Take Care of Yourself

    Make time for yourself so you can be strong for your loved ones.

    by Marc Silver

  • Forward Look

    Tuning In to the Concerns of Caregivers

    After a death, caregivers may need their own support.

    by Marilyn Fenichel

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    On the Path to Adulthood

    Help your child or teenager with cancer grow and thrive.

    by Ide Mills

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Husbands, Just Listen

    You can't fix cancer, but you can make a difference.

    by Marc Silver

  • Forward Look

    Caring for the Caregivers

    Specialized programs can help reduce stress experienced by cancer caregivers.

    by Marilyn Fenichel

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Be Ready for Caregiving to Change You

    Caring for a loved one with cancer can change your life–often for the good.

    by Deborah J. Cornwall

  • Forward Look

    Growing Pains

    When a parent has cancer, adolescents experience more emotional distress than children of other ages.

    by Leigh Labrie

  • Get Involved

    Nothing Left Unsaid

    Cancer survivor helps parents with life-threatening diseases make legacy videos for their children.

    by Leigh Labrie

  • Speak from the Heart

    Connect with your partner by being honest about your emotions.

    by Roanne Weisman

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Bringing It Home

    Follow these steps to ready yourself for providing care at home.

    by Michelle Johnston-Fleece