Survivor Profile
Family MattersAfter Shigeo Tsuruoka was diagnosed with stomach cancer, his family came together to help him. His daughter, Aki Smith, was by his side as he navigated treatment and recovery. Now she offers guidance to other stomach cancer patients and caregivers.
by Kate Yandell
A Call to Care
Caregivers for cancer patients find themselves playing a complex and vital role as care shifts from the hospital to the home.
by Kate Yandell
Caregiving With Confidence
Make Your PlansDon't let cancer get in the way of scheduling future activities.
by Aimee Swartz
Caregiving With Confidence
The Dangers of Caring Too MuchShifting some responsibilities may empower your loved one and strengthen your relationship.
by Aimee Swartz
Caregiving With Confidence
Ways to Get OrganizedDevelop a system to avoid being overwhelmed by health care bills and information.
by Aimee Swartz
Caregiving With Confidence
In for the Long HaulWhen cancer becomes a chronic condition, caregiving requires adjusting to a new normal.
by Aimee Swartz
Caregiving With Confidence
Being a Parent While Caring for OneTake these steps to delegate responsibilities and strike a balance.
by Liz Seegert
Caregiving With Confidence
Final WishesAdvance care planning can ease stress for both patients and caregivers.
by Carly O'Brien
Caregiving With Confidence
Finding Silver LiningsCaregiving is difficult, but it can bring rewards.
by Carly O'Brien
Caregiving With Confidence
When Roles ChangeFollow these tips for keeping your sense of self despite a shift in responsibilities.
by Carly O'Brien