Support for You


  • Why I Put Down My Camera

    A professional photographer shares advice on living in the moment after caring for his father, who had stage IV lung cancer.

    by Jay Perry

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Make Your Mental Health a Priority

    Recognize the signs of a serious mental illness and get help if you need it.

    by Lisa O’Leary

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Will You Be Ready in an Emergency?

    Follow these strategies to take control when a loved one's cancer requires urgent attention.

    by Aimee Swartz

  • Q&A

    Honoring Life in Death

    Physician Lucy Kalanithi, widow of the author of When Breath Becomes Air, talks about aligning patients' values with their end-of-life decisions.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    How to Deal with Communication Challenges

    These tips can help make talking about cancer a little easier.

    by Aimee Swartz

  • Gaps in End-of-Life Care

    Racial and ethnic backgrounds can be factors in whether cancer patients take advantage of hospice care. Researchers and clinicians are trying to understand the gaps and design strategies to bridge them.

    by Charlotte Huff

  • Survivor Profile

    Family Matters

    After Shigeo Tsuruoka was diagnosed with stomach cancer, his family came together to help him. His daughter, Aki Smith, was by his side as he navigated treatment and recovery. Now she offers guidance to other stomach cancer patients and caregivers.

    by Kate Yandell

  • A Call to Care

    Caregivers for cancer patients find themselves playing a complex and vital role as care shifts from the hospital to the home.

    by Kate Yandell

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Make Your Plans

    Don't let cancer get in the way of scheduling future activities.

    by Aimee Swartz

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    The Dangers of Caring Too Much

    Shifting some responsibilities may empower your loved one and strengthen your relationship.

    by Aimee Swartz