Forward Look
Deciphering New Rates of Thyroid CancerExperts are divided on whether the increase is due to more cancer or more diagnoses.
by Melissa Weber
Forward Look
Double Mastectomies on the RiseStudy suggests fears rather than actual risk of recurrence drive decisions.
by Cameron Walker
A Balancing Act
Diabetes increases cancer risk, and a dual diagnosis of cancer and diabetes complicates treatment and prognosis.
by Stephen Ornes
Palliative Care Explained
Palliative care can be offered to cancer patients at any point in their illness, beginning with the initial diagnosis. New research points to its effectiveness.
by Melissa Weber
Using Old Drugs in New Ways
We already reduce, reuse and recycle. But cancer researchers are exploring a fourth R–repurpose–using drugs approved for treating other diseases to reduce cancer risk and improve outcomes.
by Stephen Ornes
Unleashing the Immune System
New treatments that harness the power of the immune system are taking aim at many common cancers.
by Alexandra Goho
Editor's Letter
The Promise of ImmunotherapyImmunotherapy is a breakthrough in cancer treatment, but more research is needed to broaden its impact.
by Kevin McLaughlin
Forward Look
Unraveling the Genetics of CancerQ&A with Li Ding on The Cancer Genome Atlas
by Yasmine Iqbal
Forward Look
An Herbal SurpriseWhat's inside the herbal supplement may not match what's on the label.
by Stephen Ornes
Forward Look
New Report Finds Crisis in Cancer CareInstitute of Medicine calls for major improvements.
by Stephen Ornes