Research Updates


  • Forward Look

    First Biosimilar Drug Approved in U.S.

    New drugs will offer same effectiveness, but at a lower cost.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • The DCIS Dilemma

    Ductal carcinoma in situ is the fourth most common cancer diagnosis in women. Some say it's not "really" cancer. But you wouldn't know that based on how it is treated.

    by Sue Rochman

  • From the Editor-in-Chief

    The Promise of Precision Medicine

    The impact of gene sequencing on the discovery and development of cancer treatments could be profound.

    by William G. Nelson, MD, PhD

  • A Dose of Precision

    Stereotactic radiation therapy–heavily marketed to consumers–is gaining momentum as a more convenient treatment. But it's not for every patient.

    by Sharon Reynolds

  • Forward Look

    National Clinical Trials Network Now Underway

    Revamped program aims to get new treatments to patients faster.

    by Michael Eisenstein

  • Forward Look

    Personalizing Prostate Cancer Treatment

    Active surveillance may not be right for all African-American men with low-grade prostate cancer.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Lighting a Fire Under Tobacco-Related Cancers

    As researchers unravel the extent and scientific underpinnings of tobacco-related cancers and addiction, patients can seek support to quit tobacco or cope with the stigma often associated with these cancers.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Telling Cancer’s Story

    A Pulitzer Prize-winning book about cancer becomes a documentary after noted filmmaker Ken Burns signs on.

    by Marilyn Fenichel

  • When Age Is Only a Number

    More than half of cancer patients are over 65, but not all older cancer patients should be treated alike. That's where geriatric oncology comes in.

    by Yasmine Iqbal

  • Q&A

    Paying Attention to Depression

    Psychiatrist Michael Sharpe suggests a new approach to identifying and treating depression in cancer patients.

    by Marci A. Landsmann