Forward Look
Older Adults at Risk for Cancer OverscreeningMany older adults continue to be screened beyond the recommended age.
by Carisa Brewster
Colorectal Cancer Screenings at Home
Stool-based tests could increase access to colorectal cancer screening.
by Jen Tota McGivney
Why Do African Americans Have Increased Breast Cancer Mortality?
Socioeconomic factors and racism can lead to poorer health outcomes for Black Americans. Genetics may also be a factor behind increased mortality rates.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Cervical Cancer Screening Guideline Updated
A new version of the American Cancer Society's cervical cancer screening guideline says screening can start at a later age and highlights human papillomavirus testing as the preferred method.
by Anna Azvolinsky
Anal Cancer Diagnoses and Deaths Are Rising in the U.S.
Study underscores importance of early detection and prevention.
by Jane Langille
In It for the Long Haul
Doctors and researchers met online to discuss how the coronavirus pandemic changed cancer care in its early months, as well as how they can improve care and advocate for patients going forward.
by Kate Yandell
The Pandemic’s Impact on Cancer Screening and Detection
Delays in cancer screening and diagnosis due to the COVID-19 pandemic put people at risk.
by Kevin McLaughlin
Cancer Care Moves Forward Amid COVID-19
Following the arrival of the coronavirus in the U.S., people with cancer and their doctors are adjusting to new ways of doing things while continuing to seek and provide cancer care.
by Kate Yandell
Tests Spot Signs of Cancer in the Blood
At the AACR Virtual Annual Meeting I, researchers presented data on blood tests that aim to supplement current cancer screening and speed up diagnosis.
by Kate Yandell
The Puzzle of Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer remains a difficult disease to treat and is expected to be the second leading cause of U.S. cancer-related deaths by 2030. Researchers hope clinical trials and insights into the genetics of the disease will reverse the trend.
by Kendall K. Morgan