Forward Look
Vitamin E and Cancer RiskStudies send mixed signals on potential benefits and harmful effects of vitamin E.
by Mitzi Baker
Healthy Habits
Going With the GrainA fiber-rich diet can reduce cancer risk.
by Alanna Kennedy-Gorman
Forward Look
Treading Carefully With Medical ScansTo reduce your long-term cancer risk, make sure the tests are justified.
by Ingfei Chen
A Genetic Legacy
Doctors now know more than ever about the inherited cancer-related mutations that can link generations of family members. But with the new knowledge from scientific advances and DNA testing come new questions for patients.
by Sue Rochman
Healthy Habits
A Healthy StartA well-balanced diet can reduce a child's adult cancer risk.
by Alanna Kennedy-Gorman
Healthy Habits
Get On Your FeetDecrease cancer risk with a workspace workout.
by Alanna Kennedy-Gorman
Forward Look
Healthy Lifestyle, Healthier ChromosomesQ&A with Elizabeth Blackburn, professor of biochemistry and physiology at the University of California, San Francisco.
by Rabiya Tuma
Forward Look
An Aspirin a Day …A link between the popular remedy and cancer prevention needs to be borne out in clinical trials.
by Stephen Ornes
The Family Cancer Tree
Accurate reporting of family histories could be key to risk reduction.
by Mitzi Baker