Healthy Habits
Let’s Go NutsNuts pack satisfaction as well as health benefits.
by Brittany Moya Del Pino
Forward Look
Taking a Shot at Cervical CancerResearchers look for ways to increase acceptance of the HPV vaccine.
by Karen Patterson
Healthy Habits
It Takes All KindsA variety of vegetables and fruit can help reduce your cancer risk
by Marci A. Landsmann
When Cancer Rings Twice
One out of every six people diagnosed with cancer this year will be facing it for, at least, the second time.
by Melissa Weber
Healthy Habits
Follow the RainbowAdding colorful fruits and vegetables to your diet may reduce cancer risk.
by Stephen Ornes
Healthy Habits
Hang Up the Car KeysCut cancer risk by choosing to walk instead of drive.
by Stephen Ornes
Forward Look
The Whole BeanStudies present a mixed picture of coffee's influence on cancer risk.
by Yvonne Lee
Forward Look
Melanoma Indoor Tanning Link ConfirmedTeens and young adults face heightened risk from tanning beds.
by Yvonne Lee
Forward Look
A Paycheck Linked to Cancer?Studies on workplace exposures show continued health risks.
by Corinna Wu
Forward Look
Carrying a Heavy BurdenStudies find overweight kids and teens have higher adult cancer risk.
by Leslie Harris O'Hanlon