Healthy Habits
Reaping the BenefitsFollowing a vegetarian diet could reduce your risk of colorectal cancer.
by Leigh Labrie
The Language of CancerResearcher David J. Hauser discusses how war metaphors may make people less likely to engage in preventive behaviors.
by Sharlene George
Forward Look
Genetic Testing Can Help Women With Triple-Negative Breast CancerStudy confirms inherited genetic mutations are common, regardless of family history.
by Kendall K. Morgan
Genomic Testing: The Risk of Knowing Too Much
Sophisticated tests can generate a wealth of information about a patient's cancer or disease risk. But they also raise serious questions.
by Alexandra Goho
Healthy Habits
A Cup of Tea?Black tea consumption may be associated with a reduced risk of ovarian cancer.
by Kurt Ullman
Forward Look
A Champion for PreventionQ&A with Elmer Huerta, the director of the Cancer Preventorium at MedStar Washington Hospital Center
by Sue Rochman
Lighting a Fire Under Tobacco-Related Cancers
As researchers unravel the extent and scientific underpinnings of tobacco-related cancers and addiction, patients can seek support to quit tobacco or cope with the stigma often associated with these cancers.
by Stephen Ornes
Healthy Habits
Antioxidant ProtectionTomatoes might play a role in decreasing a man's risk of prostate cancer.
by Leigh Labrie
Forward Look
Eating WellWalter Willett believes research will show that a healthy diet can reduce cancer risk. Here's why.
by Sue Rochman