Healthy Habits
Reaping Grains’ BenefitsStudies point to a reduced risk of cancer death from eating whole grains, but questions remain.
by Brenda Conaway
Healthy Habits
Put a Cork in ItDrinking alcohol increases the risk for at least seven types of cancer.
by Brenda Conaway
Healthy Habits
Prioritize PreventionHealthier lifestyles could cut cancer deaths in half.
by Kendall K. Morgan
Forward Look
Do You Know BRCA?Learn more about educational efforts to increase understanding of the 'breast cancer' gene.
by Sue Rochman
Healthy Habits
Fruitful ChoicesEating fruits in teen years associated with lower breast cancer risk later.
by Lindsey Konkel
Forward Look
Cancer Centers Unite to Increase HPV Vaccination RatesJoint statement recommends girls and boys be vaccinated before age 13.
by Cameron Walker
Forward Look
Breast Cancer Survivors and Vaginal EstrogenExpert opinion affirms need to weigh risks and benefits.
by Kate Yandell
The Riddle of Bacteria and Cancer
Bacteria can be friend or foe—or both. Researchers are looking at bacteria to boost the effectiveness of cancer treatments, even if they don't fully understand how the tiny organisms work.
by Stephen Ornes
Forward Look
Aspirin Recommended to Reduce Colorectal Cancer RiskTask force formally recognizes the benefits, with caveats.
by Yasmine Iqbal
Healthy Habits
What’s The Beef?Get the facts about meat consumption and cancer risk.
by Brenda Conaway