  • More Than a Signature

    The informed consent process is designed to ensure that patients understand risks. But new advances involved in genetic testing and tissue donation may make signing on the dotted line more complex than ever.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Q&A

    Support in Any Language

    Patient advocate Ivis Febus-Sampayo promotes support services for cancer patients in minority communities.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Forward Look

    Fueling the Pediatric Cancer Pipeline

    New efforts are needed to push the pace of drug development.

    by Leah Lawrence

  • Forward Look

    It Takes a Village

    Improving pediatric cancer care in developing countries

    by Leah Lawrence

  • Forward Look

    Identifying the Unexpected Risks of Targeted Therapy

    Drugs designed to single out cancer cells also may have side effects.

    by Melissa Weber

  • Forward Look

    Get Smart About Smartphone Cancer Apps

    Study shows reasons to be skeptical about medical apps.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • When Less Is More

    Studies are finding that aggressive treatment, such as extensive surgery, radiation or chemotherapy, is not always necessary for cancer patients to get good results.

    by Alexandra Goho

  • No Through Road

    Cancer cells are able to find new pathways around targeted therapies. Scientists are racing to get there first.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Healthy Habits

    It Takes All Kinds

    A variety of vegetables and fruit can help reduce your cancer risk

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Q&A

    The Legacy of Henrietta Lacks

    Author Rebecca Skloot reflects on the contributions of one woman to science and the importance of informed consent in human research.

    by Alexandra Goho