  • Forward Look

    New Insights Into Pediatric Cancer

    A recent discovery may help explain tumor growth in children.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Prostate Cancer, Redefined

    The determination that not every prostate cancer is life-threatening is changing treatment.

    by Jocelyn Selim

  • India’s Rural Divide

    In the Indian state of Gujarat, an American cancer survivor finds that ongoing efforts are aiming to improve cancer awareness and services for rural women, who often do not have the same access to health care as many urban women in India.

    by Cynthia Ryan

  • Matters of the Heart

    Specialized cardio-oncology clinics are helping cancer patients avoid or manage heart problems.

    by Charlotte Huff

  • Healthy Habits

    Let’s Go Nuts

    Nuts pack satisfaction as well as health benefits.

    by Brittany Moya Del Pino

  • Forward Look

    Lung Cancer Screening for Smokers Almost Ready for Prime Time

    Studies suggest low-dose CT screening can reduce lung cancer deaths in those at high risk.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Forward Look

    Coming Up Short

    A limited supply of cancer medications is affecting care.

    by Steve McIver

  • Forward Look

    Striking a Nerve

    Doctors are trying to find new ways to treat the painful tingling and numbness caused by cancer treatments.

    by Cameron Walker

  • A Clear Vision

    Asking the right questions can help patients living with metastatic cancer understand the risks and benefits of recommended treatments and formulate their goals more effectively.

    by Charlotte Huff

  • More Than a Signature

    The informed consent process is designed to ensure that patients understand risks. But new advances involved in genetic testing and tissue donation may make signing on the dotted line more complex than ever.

    by Stephen Ornes