Forward Look
A Deadly InflammationSepsis may be a factor in up to half of all hospital deaths.
by Alexandra Goho
Forward Look
Smoking After CancerA cancer diagnosis isn’t enough to convince some smokers to kick the habit. A survey of almost 3,000 survivors of the 10 most common types of cancer published in the September 2014 issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention found nearly one in 10 survivors were current smokers nine years after diagnosis, with 83 percent lighting […]
The Weight of Obesity on Cancer Patients
Overweight and obese patients face worse side effects and survival odds than others with the same cancer. New efforts aim to help them get better care, become healthier and live longer.
by Melissa Weber
Survivor Profile
Closing the Cancer Care GapHealth economist and breast cancer survivor Felicia Knaul's mission, which first started as a grassroots effort to increase breast cancer screening in Mexico, has expanded to address cancer care inequities around the world.
by Alexandra Goho
A Community Effort
Local programs within Native American communities are at the forefront of an effort to increase cancer screening and reduce cancer deaths.
by Sue Rochman
Healthy Habits
The Whole PictureThe Mediterranean diet may be associated with a reduced risk of cancer.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Healthy Habits
Take a StandSitting might increase risk for colon and endometrial cancers.
by Leigh Zaleski
Changing BehaviorJohn P. Pierce highlights the role of public health campaigns in cutting cancer risk.
by Susan FitzGerald
A Balancing Act
Diabetes increases cancer risk, and a dual diagnosis of cancer and diabetes complicates treatment and prognosis.
by Stephen Ornes
Healthy Habits
A Protein PuzzleStudy links higher protein consumption to a greater chance of cancer death, but risk may depend on age.
by Alanna Kennedy-Gorman
Cancer Talk
Lessons Learned as a Caregiver and Patient
After caring for her husband during his cancer treatment, Miriam Díaz-Gilbert was prepared to face her DCIS diagnosis.
by Miriam Díaz-Gilbert
Screening Options for People With Dense BreastsReports on breast density inform women of their status but raise questions about what to do next.
by Robin Roenker
Injection Immunotherapies Get FDA ApprovalGiving immunotherapy drugs as injections, rather than intravenously, means patients can spend less time in the hospital or treatment center.
by Laura Gesualdi-Gilmore
Designing Clinical Trials for the PatientChallenges in developing and studying treatments call for new ways of thinking about cancer research.
by Eric Fitzsimmons