  • Forward Look

    A Champion for Prevention

    Q&A with Elmer Huerta, the director of the Cancer Preventorium at MedStar Washington Hospital Center

    by Sue Rochman

  • Forward Look

    Personalizing Prostate Cancer Treatment

    Active surveillance may not be right for all African-American men with low-grade prostate cancer.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Lighting a Fire Under Tobacco-Related Cancers

    As researchers unravel the extent and scientific underpinnings of tobacco-related cancers and addiction, patients can seek support to quit tobacco or cope with the stigma often associated with these cancers.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Telling Cancer’s Story

    A Pulitzer Prize-winning book about cancer becomes a documentary after noted filmmaker Ken Burns signs on.

    by Marilyn Fenichel

  • When Age Is Only a Number

    More than half of cancer patients are over 65, but not all older cancer patients should be treated alike. That's where geriatric oncology comes in.

    by Yasmine Iqbal

  • Healthy Habits

    Antioxidant Protection

    Tomatoes might play a role in decreasing a man's risk of prostate cancer.

    by Leigh Labrie

  • Q&A

    Paying Attention to Depression

    Psychiatrist Michael Sharpe suggests a new approach to identifying and treating depression in cancer patients.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Healthy Habits

    The Whole Picture

    The Mediterranean diet may be associated with a reduced risk of cancer.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Healthy Habits

    Take a Stand

    Sitting might increase risk for colon and endometrial cancers.

    by Leigh Zaleski

  • Q&A

    Changing Behavior

    John P. Pierce highlights the role of public health campaigns in cutting cancer risk.

    by Susan FitzGerald