Forward Look
Be Alert to Heart HealthRisk of stroke and heart disease increases after a cancer diagnosis.
by Robin Meadows
Forward Look
FDA Approves First Biosimilar Cancer TherapyNew product expected to be less expensive.
by Christina Bennett
Forward Look
Tracking Treatment Side Effects Benefits Cancer PatientsQuick response to symptoms improves quality of life and survival.
by Cameron Walker
Forward Look
Young Survivors at Risk for HPV-Related CancersStudy finds low vaccination rates among teen survivors.
by Kate Yandell
Targeting Brain Cancer
Researchers are trying to understand brain cancer at the molecular level. Their goal is to find new, more effective therapies for this hard-to-treat disease.
by Stephen Ornes
Healthy Habits
A Bacterial LinkThe microbes living in your gut may explain how diet influences colorectal cancer risk.
by Lori Miller Kase
Study Shows Minority Participation in Clinical Trials May Be Declining
Researcher speculates that costly genetic testing may be limiting outreach to underserved communities.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Cancer Control in the Community
Successful public health initiatives to prevent, detect and treat cancer require widespread community participation.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Healthy Habits
Vitamin D DoubtsIn a clinical trial, vitamin D supplements did not appear to reduce cancer risk.
by Jane C. Hu
Forward Look
Tinkering With T CellsNew cancer treatments use patients' own modified immune cells.
by Kate Yandell
Cancer Talk
Lessons Learned as a Caregiver and Patient
After caring for her husband during his cancer treatment, Miriam Díaz-Gilbert was prepared to face her DCIS diagnosis.
by Miriam Díaz-Gilbert
Screening Options for People With Dense BreastsReports on breast density inform women of their status but raise questions about what to do next.
by Robin Roenker
Injection Immunotherapies Get FDA ApprovalGiving immunotherapy drugs as injections, rather than intravenously, means patients can spend less time in the hospital or treatment center.
by Laura Gesualdi-Gilmore
Designing Clinical Trials for the PatientChallenges in developing and studying treatments call for new ways of thinking about cancer research.
by Eric Fitzsimmons