Support Grows for Making Transfusions a Part of Hospice
Blood cancer patients have low rates of enrollment in hospice. One barrier to enrollment is that many hospices do not provide blood transfusions.
by Jon Kelvey
Anal Cancer Diagnoses and Deaths Are Rising in the U.S.
Study underscores importance of early detection and prevention.
by Jane Langille
In It for the Long Haul
Doctors and researchers met online to discuss how the coronavirus pandemic changed cancer care in its early months, as well as how they can improve care and advocate for patients going forward.
by Kate Yandell
The Pandemic’s Impact on Cancer Screening and Detection
Delays in cancer screening and diagnosis due to the COVID-19 pandemic put people at risk.
by Kevin McLaughlin
From the Editor-in-Chief
Measuring a Cancer Drug’s EffectivenessSurrogate endpoints can speed up drug approvals, but are they valid measures of effectiveness?
by William G. Nelson, MD, PhD
Forward Look
Cancer Treatments and Antioxidant Supplements Can Be a Bad MixChristine Ambrosone on what her research shows.
by Sue Rochman
Forward Look
Here Come the BiosimilarsAs patents expire on biologic drugs, cancer patients get new options.
by Stephen Ornes
Forward Look
More Treatments Approved for Metastatic Breast CancerTargeted therapy approvals increase options and hope for some patients.
by Cameron Walker
Forward Look
Cancer Death Rate Decline Makes HeadlinesExperts say it's necessary to look behind the statistics.
by Delia O’Hara
Cancer Talk
Lessons Learned as a Caregiver and Patient
After caring for her husband during his cancer treatment, Miriam Díaz-Gilbert was prepared to face her DCIS diagnosis.
by Miriam Díaz-Gilbert
Screening Options for People With Dense BreastsReports on breast density inform women of their status but raise questions about what to do next.
by Robin Roenker
Injection Immunotherapies Get FDA ApprovalGiving immunotherapy drugs as injections, rather than intravenously, means patients can spend less time in the hospital or treatment center.
by Laura Gesualdi-Gilmore
Designing Clinical Trials for the PatientChallenges in developing and studying treatments call for new ways of thinking about cancer research.
by Eric Fitzsimmons