Living with Cancer

Survivor Profiles

  • Survivor Profile

    Reasons to Dream

    Despite a metastatic lung cancer diagnosis, Emily Bennett Taylor was able to look beyond the illness in 2012 to her dream of raising a family. Today, with no evidence of disease, she is the mother of two baby girls.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Survivor Profile

    In Support and Service

    Retired Army colonel and prostate cancer survivor Jim Williams asks men to pay better attention to their health.

    by Lauren Gravitz

  • Survivor Profile

    Living in the Here and Now

    A metastatic melanoma survivor is hopeful but realistic as new treatments become available.

    by Jenny Song

  • Survivor Profile

    Changing Course

    During her treatment for breast cancer, biomedical engineer Jessica Winter challenged her laboratory to bring its discoveries to patients more quickly.

    by Chris Palmer

  • Survivor Profile

    Stop the Silence

    Cancer survivor Cherry Sloan-Medrano works to encourage a conversation about cancer among Asians in the U.S.

    by Jenny Song

  • Survivor Profile

    A Desire to Help

    Since P.J. Lukac's glioblastoma diagnosis, the young pediatrician has worked hard to spread awareness and understanding of the disease.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Survivor Profile

    An Unplanned Event

    After a stage III cancer diagnosis, event planner Kim Hall Jackson gave up the illusion of control and started using her talents to promote screening among African-Americans.

    by Leigh Labrie

  • Survivor Profile

    Hope and Endurance

    Bladder cancer survivor Randy Layne and his wife, Ellen, faced his diagnosis, treatment and recovery together.

    by Martha Irvine

  • Survivor Profile

    Closing the Cancer Care Gap

    Health economist and breast cancer survivor Felicia Knaul's mission, which first started as a grassroots effort to increase breast cancer screening in Mexico, has expanded to address cancer care inequities around the world.

    by Alexandra Goho

  • Survivor Profile

    Brewing a Business

    While getting their new coffee business off the ground, John and Pat Curry took John's cancer treatment one step at a time.

    by Jen A. Miller