Pediatric Cancer
Survivor Profile
Breaking Down BarriersCancer researcher Vicky Forster draws from her own experience with childhood leukemia to emphasize patient voices in cancer research.
by Bradley Jones
Should All Kids With Cancer Get Genetic Testing?
Testing children with cancer for hereditary mutations could impact their treatment and provide information relevant to other family members.
by Marcus A. Banks
Understanding How Radiation Causes Cancer
Researchers are investigating who is at greatest risk for radiation-induced cancers.
by Kate Yandell
A Drive for Diversity
African Americans are underrepresented in the Be The Match bone marrow donor registry. Patient advocates are working to change that.
by Jon Kelvey
Get Involved
Smiling FacesRich Nardiello seeks to bring a smile to children with cancer.
by Bradley Jones
Pediatric Oncologists Underestimate Needs of Minority Parents
Research describes how communication gaps can shift extra burden to parents who are members of ethnic and racial minority groups.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Advocacy in Action
Leaving a LegacyTwo mothers, each with a son who died of brain cancer, worked together to increase awareness and acceptance of tumor tissue donation.
by Esther Landhuis
A Unified Strategy
A couple who lost their daughter to brain cancer builds a charity that connects parents, hospitals and researchers with data.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Forward Look
Targeted Treatments for TotsNew law mandates that cancer drugs get tested in kids in clinical trials.
by Sharon Tregaskis
Forward Look
Treatment for Kids’ Brain Tumors Can Cause Hearing ProblemsSevere hearing loss may result in reading and learning difficulties.
by Esther Landhuis