  • Forward Look

    Age-Old Condition

    Prostate cancer is diagnosed in an ancient Egyptian mummy.

    by Yvonne Lee

  • Get Involved

    One Survivor Making a Difference

    A prostate cancer survivor becomes an advocate for cancer patients.

    by Yvonne Lee

  • The Birth of a Targeted Therapy

    A serendiptious discovery more than 50 years ago heralded a new age of cancer treatment.

    by Jocelyn Selim

  • Forward Look

    Boosting Defenses Against Cancer

    Q&A with immunologist James P. Allison, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York City.

    by Ingfei Chen

  • Forward Look

    Avastin’s Fate

    Debate goes on as FDA revokes drug's use for breast cancer.

    by Alanna Kennedy-Gorman

  • Survivor Profile

    When Cancer Meets Inner Drive

    Diagnosed at 28, Rochelle Shoretz has stayed true to her big dreams and to her goal of helping other young women with breast cancer.

    by Yvonne Lee

  • Global Report

    Stark Realities in Zambia

    An American cancer survivor's visit to a Southern African nation reveals how doctors are adapting cancer care to meet an overwhelming need.

    by Cynthia Ryan

  • The Wait for a Match

    Many patients in urgent need of bone marrow or stem cell transplants are facing uncertainty.

    by Karen Patterson

  • Forward Look

    Second-Cancer Clues?

    Genetic marker discovery could help childhood Hodgkin survivors assess risks associated with radiation.

    by Mitzi Baker

  • Staying the Course

    Patients are increasingly skipping treatment breaks and opting for ongoing treatment known as maintenance therapy to try to keep some types of cancer at bay.

    by Melissa Weber