  • Q&A

    Elevating Awareness

    Cate Edwards honors her mother, Elizabeth Edwards, who died in 2010, by campaigning for more metastatic breast cancer resources.

    by Susan FitzGerald

  • Survivor Profile

    Regaining Her Balance

    Gymnast Shannon Miller's focus and agility helped her capture seven Olympic medals before she was 20. But the most decorated U.S. gymnast in history struggled to overcome the shock of her ovarian cancer diagnosis and treatment.

    by Kevin Begos

  • Healthy Habits

    Too Sweet?

    More thumbs down for sugar-sweetened beverages, as study links sugary drinks with endometrial cancer.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Forward Look

    Push Needed to Increase HPV Vaccination Rates

    President's Cancer Panel stresses reducing 'missed opportunities.'

    by Sue Rochman

  • Forward Look

    Clues to Stomach Cancer Discovered in South America

    Findings could help in cancer prevention.

    by Alexandra Goho

  • Forward Look

    Gut Reaction

    New research suggests a link between gut bacteria and colorectal cancer.

    by Melissa Weber

  • Yesterday & Today

    Everybody’s Little Buddy

    Bob Denver's portrayal of a bumbling first mate on Gilligan's Island helped make the TV sitcom a pop culture icon. Decades after the show aired, Denver was diagnosed with an uncommon variety of throat cancer.

    by Jocelyn Selim

  • Forward Look

    Too Much Testing

    Doctors are not following cervical cancer guidelines, study finds.

    by Cameron Walker

  • Forward Look

    African-American Women May Benefit Less From HPV Vaccine

    Several HPV subtypes that infect African-American women are not included in that vaccine.

    by Cameron Walker

  • Forward Look

    New Insights Into Pediatric Cancer

    A recent discovery may help explain tumor growth in children.

    by Sue Rochman