  • Forward Look

    Does Testicular Cancer Screening Save Lives?

    Doctors recommend self-exam, even though guidelines discourage it.

    by Roxanne Nelson

  • Yesterday & Today

    Improbable Champion

    Susan Butcher won Alaska's grueling Iditarod dog-sled race four times. Her 2005 leukemia diagnosis marked the beginning of her greatest challenge.

    by Jocelyn Selim

  • Survivor Profile

    An Unplanned Event

    After a stage III cancer diagnosis, event planner Kim Hall Jackson gave up the illusion of control and started using her talents to promote screening among African-Americans.

    by Leigh Labrie

  • Healthy Habits

    A Cup of Tea?

    Black tea consumption may be associated with a reduced risk of ovarian cancer.

    by Kurt Ullman

  • Forward Look

    Hope for a Future Family

    Fertility preservation outcomes may vary with cancer diagnosis.

    by Kendall K. Morgan

  • Yesterday & Today

    A Beautiful Neighbor

    Fred Rogers, better known as Mister Rogers, taught children compassion for themselves and others. He died from stomach cancer in 2003, but his legacy lives on in television programs for kids today.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Survivor Profile

    Hope and Endurance

    Bladder cancer survivor Randy Layne and his wife, Ellen, faced his diagnosis, treatment and recovery together.

    by Martha Irvine

  • Forward Look

    Guiding the Way

    American Cancer Society releases prostate cancer survivorship guidelines.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Yesterday & Today

    More Than a Girl Singer

    Rosemary Clooney rebounded from a troubled marriage, addictions and mental illness to enjoy a long singing career. Since her death from lung cancer in 2002, treatment advances have offered some hope to other patients.

    by Marilyn Fenichel

  • Life and Health After Childhood Cancer

    Survival for children with cancer has improved dramatically, but longer life has revealed long-term health concerns.

    by Sharon Reynolds