Treating Smoldering Multiple Myeloma
A monoclonal antibody drug reduced the risk of smoldering myeloma progressing to multiple myeloma in patients at high risk for disease progression.
by Sandra Gordon
Forward Look
Speeding Up Multiple Myeloma Drug DevelopmentHematologist-oncologist C. Ola Landgren explains how measuring minimal residual disease could be useful in multiple myeloma clinical trials.
by Anna Azvolinsky
Survivor Profile
From Fear to ActionMike Herman hasn’t let a multiple myeloma diagnosis stop him from advocating for himself and teaching others to do the same.
by Suzanne McBride
Facts and Stats
From Lab Experiment to Lifesaving TreatmentDecades of research and clinical trials led to CAR T-cell therapy becoming a critical blood cancer treatment.
by Thomas Celona
CAR T-cell Therapy: Understanding the Warning and the Risks
The FDA requires a warning with CAR T-cell therapies about an increased risk of cancer from the treatment. Should you be concerned?
by Sandra Gordon
Real-world Outcomes in Multiple Myeloma
Study shines a light on the differences in outcomes between clinical trial patients with multiple myeloma and those receiving cancer treatment in their community.
by Sandra Gordon
Living With Chronic Blood Cancer
Thanks to medical advances, more people with blood cancer are living for years or even decades after their diagnosis. But when these diseases are incurable, patients must learn to adjust to ongoing monitoring and treatment.
by Kendall K. Morgan
Forward Look
Bispecific Antibodies to Treat CancerHematologist-oncologist Saad Usmani talks about recent approvals for bispecific antibodies to treat multiple myeloma and other blood cancers.
by Ashley P. Taylor
Taking Stock of CAR T-Cell Therapy
Five years after the FDA approved the first CAR T-cell therapy, use of the treatment has expanded to many patients with blood cancer.
by Kendall K. Morgan
The View From a CAR T-Cell Clinical Trial
After exhausting her treatment options, Ellen Reich got CAR T-cell treatment for multiple myeloma through a clinical trial.
by Pamela Rafalow Grossman