Cancer Types

Breast Cancer

  • Forward Look

    A Future Without Breast Surgery?

    A small study finds no cancer recurrences after two years in patients who skipped breast surgery following a complete response to chemotherapy—but experts say the research is in its very early stages.

    by Darcy Lewis

  • Forward Look

    What’s Next

    Technology could detect lymphedema earlier.

    by Darcy Lewis

  • Get Involved

    Healing Takes Flight

    Alicia and Esther Tambe honor their sister’s memory by providing travel experiences to Black women diagnosed with breast cancer.

    by Thomas Celona

  • Pregnancy After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

    Study finds pausing endocrine therapy is safe for early-stage breast cancer patients eager to expand their families.

    by Thomas Celona

  • Disparities in Breast Cancer Outcomes for Black Women Despite Similar Recurrence Scores

    Black breast cancer patients had worse outcomes in a recent study, even when cancer features aligned with white patients.

    by Eric Fitzsimmons

  • Forward Look

    A New Breast Cancer Subtype

    Clinical trial results are changing care for people with metastatic breast cancer that expresses low levels of HER2 protein.

    by Kris Conner

  • Chemo or Not?

    Tumor profiling tests that predict the likelihood of distant recurrence can help some women with early-stage, hormone receptor-positive breast cancer decide on treatments after surgery.

    by Kris Conner

  • Q&A

    Show Me You Care

    Theresa Brown, who was a nurse when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, writes about deep gaps in her own care.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Forward Look

    Breast Cancer and Heart Health

    Women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer are at greater risk for developing high blood pressure and diabetes, common risk factors for heart disease.

    by Kendall K. Morgan

  • Access to Health Insurance Key to Disparities in Cancer Outcomes

    As outcomes improved for cancer patients in states that expanded Medicaid, disparities in survival disappeared.

    by Jon Kelvey