Breast Cancer
Forward Look
Breast Cancer Survivors and Vaginal EstrogenExpert opinion affirms need to weigh risks and benefits.
by Kate Yandell
Forward Look
Fine-Tuning Treatments for Triple-Negative Breast CancerStudies aim to identify best available treatments and find new ones.
by Cameron Walker
Healthy Habits
Less StressCognitive-behavioral stress management may help women with breast cancer.
by Brenda Conaway
Forward Look
Reducing Re-excisionNew guidelines and techniques aim to limit additional breast cancer surgeries.
by Kendall K. Morgan
Survivor Profile
Changing CourseDuring her treatment for breast cancer, biomedical engineer Jessica Winter challenged her laboratory to bring its discoveries to patients more quickly.
by Chris Palmer
First Person
To Test or Not to TestTwenty-two years after the first of two breast cancer diagnoses, a survivor decides to undergo genetic testing.
by Cynthia Ryan
Forward Look
Cost of Breast Cancer Treatment Affects AdherenceDrug for early-stage cancer must be taken for many years to be effective.
by Kendall K. Morgan
The DCIS Dilemma
Ductal carcinoma in situ is the fourth most common cancer diagnosis in women. Some say it's not "really" cancer. But you wouldn't know that based on how it is treated.
by Sue Rochman
Yesterday & Today
The Voice of Lamb ChopVentriloquist Shari Lewis and her sidekick, a white wool puppet named Lamb Chop, won the hearts of generations of children who tuned in to her television shows.
by Jocelyn Selim
Forward Look
Shining a Spotlight on Metastatic Breast CancerQ&A with Musa Mayer, breast cancer survivor and founding member of the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance.
by Yasmine Iqbal