Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer
A Rare DriveChordoma survivor Josh Sommer brings together researchers and patients to develop better treatments for an uncommon cancer.
by Kate Yandell
Survivor Profile
Reasons to DreamDespite a metastatic lung cancer diagnosis, Emily Bennett Taylor was able to look beyond the illness in 2012 to her dream of raising a family. Today, with no evidence of disease, she is the mother of two baby girls.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Caregiving With Confidence
On the Path to AdulthoodHelp your child or teenager with cancer grow and thrive.
by Ide Mills
Colorectal Cancer: A Troubling Trend
More people are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer before 50, the recommended age to start screening.
by Charlotte Huff
Survivor Profile
A Desire to HelpSince P.J. Lukac's glioblastoma diagnosis, the young pediatrician has worked hard to spread awareness and understanding of the disease.
by Stephen Ornes
Preserving the Future
Young adults undergoing cancer treatment who may want to have children should talk with their doctors about ways to preserve their fertility.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Forward Look
Hope for a Future FamilyFertility preservation outcomes may vary with cancer diagnosis.
by Kendall K. Morgan
Forward Look
Fertility Preservation Catches On, But SlowlyNew cancer patients need information and quick referrals to infertility specialists.
by Charlotte Huff
Survivor Profile
When Cancer Meets Inner DriveDiagnosed at 28, Rochelle Shoretz has stayed true to her big dreams and to her goal of helping other young women with breast cancer.
by Yvonne Lee
The Wait for a Match
Many patients in urgent need of bone marrow or stem cell transplants are facing uncertainty.
by Karen Patterson