Photo by Vera LaMarche
THE SPRING ISSUE of Cancer Today is out in print and online—the 25th issue I’ve been privileged to work on in the past six years. A lot has changed since I became the executive editor in February 2013, but our commitment to presenting the latest cancer news and commentary in a way that’s accurate, honest and easy to understand remains the same.
The new issue features articles from some of our best science writers. Charlotte Huff reports on concerns about post-treatment imaging tests. These tests allow oncologists to look for cancer recurrence, but they come with downsides: radiation exposure, financial strain, “scanxiety,” and invasive and possibly unnecessary follow-ups after suspicious findings. Patients and doctors need to factor in the risks alongside the benefits.
Kendall K. Morgan describes how genomic testing, immunotherapy and precision medicine have opened up new treatment opportunities for patients with rare cancers. In the past, these patients had few, if any, options. Stephen Ornes writes about using patient-reported outcomes to accomplish the often stated medical ideal of treating the patient, not the disease. Finally, Lindsey Konkel presents a profile of Rabbi Ben David, a man naturally inclined to lend a hand to those around him. A diagnosis of leukemia and the treatment that followed taught him the importance of allowing others to return the favor when he and his family needed help.
Cancer Today has served as a public outreach effort for the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) since the magazine launched in 2011. As such, we have always been willing to distribute the magazine in bulk at no cost to those who asked, including patient advocacy organizations, cancer centers and hospitals. You might have seen copies of Cancer Today in your doctor’s waiting room, or at a patient conference or cancer fundraiser. Our free bulk distribution will continue, but we are now offering free individual subscriptions to readers in the U.S. who want Cancer Today delivered to their homes. Until now, we’ve charged a nominal annual subscription fee to cover some of the costs of mailing, but not anymore. Please take advantage of this free offer and subscribe now!
Finally, the AACR Annual Meeting 2019 will be held March 29-April 3 in Atlanta. Cancer Today digital editor Kate Yandell and I will be on-site to cover as much of this sprawling event as possible. I hope you’ll visit our website during the meeting to see daily updates from Atlanta.
In the first column I wrote for Cancer Today, in the summer 2013 issue, I described the magazine’s mission “to share knowledge, to build community and to give a voice to those who have cancer, their loved ones and caregivers.” Then, I added, “That’s a big and important job, and I’m proud to play a part as executive editor of this essential magazine.”
That’s another thing that hasn’t changed in six years.
Cancer Today magazine is free to cancer patients, survivors and caregivers who live in the U.S. Subscribe here to receive four issues per year.