Endometrial Cancer and Screening for Lynch Syndrome
AACR highlights team research that led to Lynch syndrome testing for all people with endometrial cancer in the U.K.
by Marci A. Landsmann
Improving Glioblastoma Treatment
Phase I clinical trial finds adding a radiosensitizer may improve radiation’s ability to kill this fast-growing brain cancer.
by Thomas Celona
Quality of Life Across the Lifespan
As more people diagnosed with and treated for cancer live years beyond treatment, researchers look for ways to improve quality of life.
by Kevin McLaughlin
Results That Matter
Cancer medications granted accelerated approval are often confirmed despite not demonstrating a benefit in overall survival or quality of life.
by Eric Fitzsimmons
Genetic Testing for Women With Breast Cancer
New recommendations clarify when women diagnosed with breast cancer should be offered genetic testing for inherited cancer risk.
by Laura Gesualdi-Gilmore
TIL Therapy Amplifies the Immune System’s Attack on Melanoma
The recently approved immunotherapy Amtagvi uses a patient’s own immune cells to destroy advanced melanoma.
by Sandra Gordon
Dealing With Immediate Medical Test Results
Patients have been entitled to immediate access to medical records and test results for three years as a result of the Cures Act. It has changed how patients and doctors share information.
by Taneia Surles
Empowering Pediatric Cancer Patients
After twice being treated for leukemia as a child, Brady Lucas discusses the mental impact of pediatric cancer.
by Suzanne McBride
Light at the End of the Tunnel for ASPS Patients
Immunotherapy has helped some young people with alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS), a rare cancer, but there’s more work to be done.
by Kyle Bagenstose
CAR T-cell Therapy: Understanding the Warning and the Risks
The FDA requires a warning with CAR T-cell therapies about an increased risk of cancer from the treatment. Should you be concerned?
by Sandra Gordon
Cancer Talk
Treating HER2-ultralow Breast Cancer
FDA approval expands treatment options for people with metastatic breast cancer that expresses minimal levels of HER2.
by Sandra Gordon
Lessons Learned as a Caregiver and PatientAfter caring for her husband during his cancer treatment, Miriam Díaz-Gilbert was prepared to face her DCIS diagnosis.
by Miriam Díaz-Gilbert
Screening Options for People With Dense BreastsReports on breast density inform women of their status but raise questions about what to do next.
by Robin Roenker
Injection Immunotherapies Get FDA ApprovalGiving immunotherapy drugs as injections, rather than intravenously, means patients can spend less time in the hospital or treatment center.
by Laura Gesualdi-Gilmore