cancer talk
  • The Education of a Patient Advocate

    Bob Riter explains how his breast cancer diagnosis set him on a path to find his calling.

    by Bob Riter

  • Caregivers Need Support Too

    High-intensity cancer caregiving is associated with poor mental health, especially for caregivers who don't feel they're getting the support services they need.

    by Jen Tota McGivney

  • 2018 SABCS: Choosing the Right Treatment

    Studies presented at the 2018 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium investigate when patients with early-stage breast cancer or precancerous breast conditions benefit from receiving less intense treatment.

    by Kate Yandell

  • Treating Cancer Based on Its Genetics, Not Its Location

    Medical oncologist and sarcoma specialist George D. Demetri explains the significance of the recent approval of the oral drug Vitrakvi based on tumor genetics.

    by Anna Azvolinsky

  • Coping With Head and Neck Cancer

    Patients with head and neck cancer often face physical, social and emotional issues that can add to existing mental health problems or give rise to new ones.

    by Cheryl Platzman Weinstock

  • Coordinating Care

    A caregiver offers tips for staying on top of appointments and test results when a loved one is receiving care from multiple providers.

    by Tara Rosenzweig

  • Reinforcements for Cancer Research

    Scientific meeting emphasizes the importance of patient advocates in helping researchers to reduce cancer health disparities.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Guiding Care

    Medical oncologist Gabrielle Rocque explains the role of clinical practice guidelines in breast cancer care.

    by Anna Azvolinsky

  • Does Medicaid Expansion Have an Impact?

    Analysis suggests states that opted for Medicaid expansion had higher use of hormone therapy for breast cancer patients.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Achieving Health Equality

    National Cancer Institute director Norman “Ned” Sharpless describes the challenge and opportunity of studying cancer disparities.

    by Marci A. Landsmann